The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Nope, but spring allergies are starting to kick in along with a nasty little ear infection.

TPBM thinks Lucky needs to go to the Breaking News thread and get a little pick me up to feel better about things.
How did you know? Absouloutely rotten day at work and home. Same sentiments as Lucky.

TPBM is calling Mental Health Hotline for the two of us.
Yea.... the carb on my truck is "terminal" I think. Got a hesitation that
won't quit. The best "carburetor minds of Virginia" can't diagnose the
problem. Found a used one (in a drawer, not a junk yard). Going to
o'haul it this weekend.

TPBM wants to help... (free beer !)

Nope, got to work on my own truck one of these days when the weather warms. Dang sticky/dirty throttle bodies on Chev. Trucks!!!

TPBM has a rubber ducky in thier bathtub.
Rubber Duckey, I'm awfully fond of you!

Actually, I'm not sure I have ever had a rubber ducky in my life. I missed out on so much.

TPBM has thousands of rubber duckies. He makes little rubber ducky wars in his bathtub, with rubber torpedos, guns and everything.
Been a long time since I played that game.

TPBM has finally figured out the problem they were working on, but cannot find a replacement part in order to fix it!!!
Ah... Mon, checkers is a different game from chess. It's played
on the same board, but with 12 men to a side, each man being equal and
can only move forward. If one man reaches the other side he becomes
a "king" and then can move in all directions, but must stay on his color.
You "capture" by jumping and removing that man from the board. Last man
standing wins...

TPBM will explain further..

And I thought the British had a different word for everything !!

Yes, I like some folk music. Don't like the kind that "protest" something

TPBM cannot swim...


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