The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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Yep, wake up, see the wife off to work, TV, GB, puter, sleep, GB, TV, ... Yep, no brainer.

TPBM is doing the same.
no...sure could use some monotony right about now. summer projects are kicking my @$$ in a big way.

TPBM also needs summer to last an additional 3 months to get everything done.
actually i do...2 of them. but right now theyt both need a LOT of its not relaxing to go there.

TPBM works harder on their days off than when they are on the job
After 3 kids, ageing parents and all that goes with that we have lost the art or relaxing.
I work to relax, practical hands on work.
Bit sad maybe, but there we have it
TPBM knows what I mean

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