The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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no...sure could use some monotony right about now. summer projects are kicking my @$$ in a big way.

TPBM also needs summer to last an additional 3 months to get everything done.
actually i do...2 of them. but right now theyt both need a LOT of its not relaxing to go there.

TPBM works harder on their days off than when they are on the job
After 3 kids, ageing parents and all that goes with that we have lost the art or relaxing.
I work to relax, practical hands on work.
Bit sad maybe, but there we have it
TPBM knows what I mean
there are days....yes there are days.

TPBM is rushing to get all of theirsummer ( or seasonal for all of you in the other hemisphere) projects done....

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