The Person Below Me (TPBM)

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I do with some. Facebook is a good tool for that. I would say that the annoying twats at school are now just older annoying twats....
Time may pass but, people remain the same.
TPBM isn't big on reunions of any sort.
No chance. Working on Saturday and manning the family car boot sales stall on Sunday. Time is money and I hate to waste either.
TPBM understands what I mean.
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Still waiting for an official 'Be Nice to Jan Day'....
TPBM thinks that I've taken a lot of flak lately too....
CEASE FIRE was the stern order from the CO
Bollocks came the reply from within the redoubt.
Bloody Plymothian rabble muttered the CO...can't do a thing with them.
TPBM is a rebel at heart too...
Nope a 'Speckled Hen' after to recover from the football results today.
TPBM is going out on the toot tonight....

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