The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope, this is the only forum that I am a member wait that is a lie. I am a member of a gaming forum because someone there is making me a siggy, but I dont post there.

TPBM has never had a woman to buy flowers for.
Ooops sorry I did not see that you had posted allready.

Nope I dont wear purple. I wear lots of black, when I am not wearing camoflage of OD Green.

TPBM wears lots of pink.
Admittedly yes. Though I do prefer the silent but violent variety.

TPBM plays soccer (futbol) on occasions.
Yeah, a Jewish one... We often make matza from Christian virgin blood in our lodge... ;)

TPBM admires Jacques Chirac. :lol:
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