The person below me (TPBM)

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they dont sell that here

TPBM doesnt know how their parents knew that they werent not gay
There's no women that live in this house, so I can't. But I certainly would if I could !

TPBM wishes he had the power to nuke France.
What would be the point, it couldnt get any smellier and dirtier and run down than it is now...

TPBM has an imaginary friend...
The idea of nuking the place would be crumble the buildings, because France is a wonderful country. It's just full of French. Do a low-radiation blast and we can inhabit it in 30 years.

And no I don't have an imaginary friend, I'm real alright! (I wonder how many people will get that).

TPBM smells like stale piss, only on sundays.

TPBM thinks there should be more yes in this thread than no
never even leaft the country :lol: although i did go to Wales once, does that count :-k

TPBM has recently found a very ammusing alternative use for ice..........
I have actually, recently learned how to freeze it... ;)

TPBM's best piece of advice they've ever had is to Beware The Jubjub Bird and Shun The Frumious Bandersnatch...
Actually I never got into that but know other who I have assisted doing it!

TPBM just farted.
What?! WHAAAAT?! Oh for - That is absolute bullshit, man! No way! Y'hear me man?! No way! Not a chance! Never! Never, never, never, never, never, never! Never ever! No!

The person below me is the person below me.
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