The person below me (TPBM)

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Only on rare occasions and with a pipe or cigar. However, I hate the taste the next morning.

TPBM likes 1/72nd scale, because it allows them to pretend with their Matchbox and HO scale trains.:propellerhead:
In my solopsist world, I'm above everybody else. 'Course Les will never agree to that.

TPBM will post a better "TPBM" than Pisis did above.:)
Got a problem with that, @sshole?

TPBM doesn't know what I have in my pocket. Yeah, google that ONE!
Nope, as I write this I have a packet of Wrigley's Extra Spearmint SugarFree Gum, and my hand. Which is currently not fondling my testicles - yet. And ... I think just that way, Wayne... only on sundays though, right before the pub quiz.

TPBM doesn't know his foot from his face.
TPBM doesn't know what I have in my pocket. Yeah, google that ONE!
There's a Wocket in My Pocket! Dr. Seuss's Book of Ridiculous Rhymes


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Not a friggin chance. Rather I'm singin' Audioslave - Bring em Back Alive.:headbang: Thankyou, Les!!

TPBM wishes they had a killer home stereo (not some IPOD MP3 player piece of sh*t) for maximum enjoyment of killer bands like Audioslave.
Actually i have both, its a huge speaker system that I can hook my ipod into, its pretty cool, I dont have to go through the trouble of constanly change the CD turner when im sick of the music

TPBM, is going to be a tire buster when he grows up.
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