The person below me (TPBM)

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Hell, what did you see? I myslef saw twice in my life something very strange but I'm not sure if it couldn't be explained by science.
Maybe you can start an UFO Thread for this... I'm very interested, please keep telling.
lesofprimus said:
Waited for The Lanc to answer up on this one, but Ill have to accept on his behalf....

TPBM thinks that all UFO's are just metal discs thrown up in the air...

So Who started the UFO thread?

TPBM wishes they lived with their parents.
I think im right in saying that everyone has a dream every night, but we only seem to remember a few of them...So based on that yes I did...The last dream I can remember is where me, Martyn and Calum were doing door gunnery in a sliver plated Huey...

TPBM owns a Busted album...
Actually, posting is as close as I come to IMs...

Man, this thread would sure work better in the TPBM would say yes instead of no. Everyone says no, but blah blah blah....

Oh well. I'll not complain about it, since it's pretty funny anyway.

TPBM thinks that the US Navy could whip the US Air Force in a fight...
Well most sharks can only here loud noise so id just said F**k it and stuck my pinky in its butt and found a Nova Scotia license plate

TPBM once successfully masterbated to "The Veiw"
nope, nothing comes out yet cause im still a kid
and WTF is "the view"?

TPBM masturb8s in front of his PC
he didn't actually just say that did he

and no, far too public

TPBM just gave away their last rolo? what; i wouldn't think of anything else.........
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