The person below me (TPBM)

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Its not that I dont know how a water heater works, I just dont know what kind we have. I am not living in Germany permenantly. How that I was Honorably discharged from the Army today I am only here until my wife is finished with college and then I am moving to Alaska. Therefore we did not buy a house here in Germany. We are renting a place and it is a 2 story house. My landlord lives on the bottom floor and me and my wife live on the top floor. It is like a normal apartmant though. We have a different entrance from our landlord and dont ever have to see them. In fact in order to get into there place we have to go outside and walk around to other side of the house.

Anyhow the water heater is in there apartment and I have not bothered to ask what kind it is because frankly I dont care. As long as I have hot water on demand that is all that matters.

Sorry to make a story out of it.
Matt308 said:
No. But I'll take that into consideration. Most everyone annoys me. I'll add you to the list.

TPBM thinks he's an intellectual, but in actuality is mired in mediocrity.

Nope never said I was Plato, but I do know a lot about History and aviation expecially Helicopers because that is my job. Oh and I am liscense to fixed them!

TPBM wishes they knew how to fix aircraft.
Yes I do. Do you have your A&P from the military? Alaska is certainly a lucrative place to go for aircraft repair. With respect to your water heater, now I understand. But how do you pay your utilities if the landlord gets the bill. You split it? Water free (included in the rent)?

TPBM has never witness the absolutely raw beauty of the state of Alaska. And it is their loss.

Yes I have my A&P, but I did not get it form the military. I went to a FAA testing center in South Carolina and tested out for it.

As for the water heater we have a meter that tells us how much we use.

Matt308 said:
TPBM has never witness the absolutely raw beauty of the state of Alaska. And it is their loss.

Wrong I have been there and witnessed it. That is why I want to move there for good. I had orders from the Army to be stationed there but they sent me to Iraq instead. To me it is the beautiful place on earth.
Naw, I'm not wearing any pants.
BTW, A&P: Airframe and Powerplant mechanics license. Got mine in 1994.

TPBM loves the smell of cheese!
man I sure do. Especially Manchego.

TPBM now know A&P means Airframe and Powerplant, but still doesn't quite understand. By the way, good for you uhhuh35. You really had to be uhhuh35? Couldn't just be uhhuh? [a story is warranted]
Naw but I know people that just turned them inside out when we were in the desert because it was kind of hard to get laundry done.

TPBM does that even though they have means to laundry becuase they are just a slob...
No quite the opposite actually. I $hit so often that only the truth and galaxial wisdom spews forth like the proverbial goose.

TPBM was insulted by Les's English/tea comment. And for the record, I doubt Les cares.
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