The person below me (TPBM)

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Sadly no. I haven't even seen a gun out of it's hulster and I call my self a redneck.

TPBM never sleeps without a gun within arms reach.
Yeah, I've had an hour on props and im not being pushed forward to jets yet, whats the matter with them

TPBM has a secret ambition to drive buses for the local school
NOT A CHANCE. I remember how the bus driver was treated when I was younger.

TPBM has power supplies for various gadgets sitting around everywhere.
I don't know if I am "non-plussed" because I have no idea what that means!

TPBM has put a 9v battery on their tongue because they thought it felt cool.
YO YO WATZ UP DOG! MAD Dawg Dricker in the house! North East Philly Raise it UP!!!

TPBM comes from the woods.
Nope but I did not understand it anyhow because people that talk like that are illiterate in my humble opinion. Either that or just plain dumb.

TPBM talks like that and is offended now.
Havent had a cookie for ages...Cant beat a chocolate cookie/digestive with cheese...

TPBM thinks that is a sick combination but is tempted to try it out anyway...
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