The person below me (TPBM)

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Oh sorry. I was so distracted thinking about Jersey women with that accent I forgot.

TPBM has never met a woman from Jersey with that lovely accent.
We don't have axsents here in Souf joisey, its the 51st State. And never needed to meet a woman with any accent... just need them to be quiet.

TPBM makes mayonaise lids for a living.
Yeah, guess so. Eating more chicken. Want to eat more veggie-meat substitutes (mushrooms, eggplant, etc), but haven't been very successful.

TPBM has been to Disneyland.
Yeah, but I was so young I may as well of not gone at all. I don't remember any of it.

TPBM has never been to an amusement park in their life.
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