The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope you are correct. That is why I dont get to fly alot. I keep my ratings and quals and that is about it. A bit dangerous I think but right now that is all I can do.

TPBM would like to get there PPL.
I cant think of a secret to tell. If I can ever think of one, I still would not tell you because then it would not be a secret, but I honestly can not think of one because I am pretty open.

TPBM will tell us an embarassing story that happened to them.
Okay. Walking out of the local grocery store. Did the penultimate "old man" gaffe. I was trying to carry entirely too many plastic bags of full of groceries (10-12) and my pants get getting lower and lower. F it the dumb man says. Right before I reach my car, my pants fall mid-thigh. Oh well. Who cares.

TPBM will tell us their embarassing situation.
Hmmm I dont know I have to think about it but I guess this one is pretty embarassing (I dont know if it is the most embarassing though for me). Anyhow I was at a Highschool Party at a nearby lake. The whole Senior class was there including the girl that I liked at the time. Anyhow to make a long story short I went to take a piss on a tree next to the lake and a large goose comes out of the water and starts snapping at my pecker. I am running like a little girl away from this penis eating goose and everyone is watching and laughing. My penis has never been so scared!

TPBM has a story that can top that.
Heheheheh thats a good one.

I'll have to think. Can't top that one off hand. I find that I repress these type of moments.

TPBM will relate an embarrassing moment that tops Adler's.
Nope. Those days of stereotyping men and earrings are long past. I'm more inclined to believe that metrosexual = gay.

TPBM has no idea what I just said.
Yep. Or at least I believe her to be gay. Who knows. She doesn't talk about it and I don't care what she does in her bedroom. Isn't that the way it should be?

TPBM has a gay relative.
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