The person below me (TPBM)

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Nope - never have. I think it'd be a hoot. Especially utilizing that 120mm marine sniper fire...

TPBM gets annoyed when reporters call AAVs or Bradleys "tanks."
It's hard actually define conservative positions. For the most part, I'm ridiculously conservative in my beliefs. But, I oppose the death penalty, which conservatives overwhelmingly tend to support. I also believe in minor government involvement in the economy, but only to ensure actual competition, not merely the facade of competition (ie a cartel). I don't think that you'll find many conservatives that support true laissez-faire economic policies these days...

TPBM tows a party agenda hook, line, and sinker but will attempt to deny that and claim that they are free thinking.
Nope - mine is already in its third year of service. I'm really glad that I opted for the 1GB of RAM back when I got it...

TPBM uses dial-up
Nope - had DSL a few times, and dislike it. Most companies require you to have a telephone line as well, which doesn't work for us since we use vonage. I go with cable.

TPBM is sick and tired of Charles Shumer (D-NY) and his policies of absolving Americans of any and all responsibility.
Hmmm - I used to when I was in Quantico for a short time, but not in the past several years.

TPBM drinks way too much soda.

DAMMIT MATT!!! You beat me!

I do despise Starbucks. Their refusal to send coffee to troops deployed T'd me off.

TPBM drinks way too much soda.
Hmmm... I'm going out with my buddy Steve later. HOT date, I think not. Although my wife mocks me and says I'm going on a man-date.

TPBM still goes out partying every weekend.
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