The Wall Of Shame

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Thanks Wayne, after seeing some of your fantastic models it is an honour to receive a compliment from you.
Thanks for showing the Bulldog. Coincidentally, I'm about to order it for my '56 Squadron, 1918 to 1998' build. Looks a little beaut - and less than £5 !!
Thanks Wurger. I do like SMER 1/48 ish? kits Terry as you can end up with a decent looking kit that goes together nicely for peanuts, I've still got the Dr1, DH2, Camel and SE5A in the stash. The Moth is now ready for rigging, nearly there !
I built this last year, for some reason the decals refused to sit down, so I just left them, it's still like this.


I also started a big 1/72 diorama project and stopped because I got p1ssed off painting the figures.


I can never finish this because it got chucked on the bonfire last halloween! The vehicles and figures are safely stored away in a box though.
Hi Muller, you could try replacement decals. BTW, me Da was from Tralee and me Ma was from Dublin.
I suppose I'll have to join in here and post some pics. Thing is, I'll need a lot of room and a very wide angle lens to catch all the'projects' one shot!!
I suppose I'll have to join in here and post some pics. Thing is, I'll need a lot of room and a very wide angle lens to catch all the'projects' one shot!!

C'mon Terry, it doesn't hurt one bit. Thanks Javlin, the Bulldog is the next in line for a dose of finishment. :lol:
Here is my ten years old P-11c. When it was almost finished I noticed that the model symmentry was wrong.Trying to correct it I cuased the model looked better but it hasn't been what I wanted.There is possibility the model will never be fininshed.


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I don't think that it looks bad enough to not finish it Wurger. Sometimes a little problem can seem a lot bigger than it really is.
I know about it mate. But according to the Murphy's rule it would be better to start it again from the beginning.Of course I can use a few parts of that model for the new one For instance the engine and its cowling + the proppeler and spinner are the separate section also the cockpit interior ( if I can set the fuselage halves apart.)
Still looks nice Wojtek. Of course, you could always turn it upside down, paint it blue, and enter it in the PTO build as a Corsair!!
OK Mart, I'll try to get some pics of a very few of the unfinished!!
Might get some up later tonight.
The conversion into a Corsair would be the sacrilege Terry.I think the MiG-21 would better for the purpose.Of course with the P-11C wing inverted. :lol:
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I'll look forward to it Terry. To everyone else reading this, C'mon don't be shy, get your kit's out!.

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