The weather where you live?

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as a what Les ? ! funny old term used many a time to describe some of my bitchy 75-80 yr old customers on a winters day.......what does it really mean anyway...? yes I think you guys in the south are going to get hammered the next days by a Canadian air mass

more Christmas lights on the trees in the bitter wind off the hills that are covered in frosting; time to put on the 8) and finish up as the sun heads behind the ridgeline
Yes but I think in places like Sweden or norway or Russia, the weather must be even worst. BTW, the Scandinavian countries, although they have one of the best life standards, have most suicides per capita....
the winter days are short without a doubt. From 11 till 2pm depending where you are in Alaska in Winter. of course you can look at the reverse of it. Daylight in the late spring-summer, up outside at midnight playing baseball, heck why go to Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..................
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