The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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Cucking fold, windy and almost freezing again, after a week with nice spring temps around 10-15 C.
Oh well, as long as we get excellent weather on thursday, I won't complain. Bakken opens on thursday night. :D
We have been having very nice weather this past week. Sunny and about 60 to 65 F. Today it started raining, but stayed rather comfortable.

Supposed to continue to rain till tomorrow afternoon.

Can't wait until Saturday though. Supposed to be sunny and 77 F. Going to bring out the shorts and sandals and have a BBQ party.
+16°C with sun and light winds 'til mid-afternoon. Was able to open some windows and air the joint out. Took a 1 hour nap after supper and it was good to feel the fresh breeze on my face.:D
10° cooler tomorrow and cloudy.:(
Temp cooled as predicted along with the clouds. The one bright spot.....the Gulls arrived today and began patrolling the steets for a free lunch. The question is, how did they know that the river opened up last week? These early Gulls winter on the West Coast and yet they always come right after the river ice goes. It doesn't matter whether it happens in Feb. or any time thereafter, they always arrive a week later.
Let me see....light Spring jacket on Thurs. Heavier jacket on Fri. and today, if I went out, a ski jacket would be go with the 20+cm of snow we've had so far. It's still coming down:p:p
The up side is that it will all be gone by noon monday.:)
Met an elderly afghan lady on the train when I was going home from the museum today.
We've worked together for a brief period of time, and I really like her and care about her.
She told me that she is going to receive the last cancer treatment on friday next week, after that she's cleared of cancer.
It just made me so happy for her, and it was so good to see her again, so it was hugs all over and happy smiles and ditto chatting! :D
Beautiful day again today! 73 F/ 23 C. Sunny and wonderful. Spent the day washing the Jeep inside and out and waxing it up. Then me and the wife went down to the old part of town and sat at a nice Ice Cafe and ate some ice cream in the afternoon sun. I love this time of year.

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