The Weather Where You Live?

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After two months of crazy hot, there is a front moving through later today with chance for rain. Not enough rain to save the yard but no more 100 F + highs. We will get a few days break. High today 103 F with a low this evening in the high 70s.
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Cooler today - about 15C. Was 34C yesterday... toasty for us. Air quality is bad, due to fires in northwest AB (nothing close to Calgary, however). TONS of fires burning here in the west - Kelowna BC partially evacuated, Yellowknife NWT to be entirely evacuated by noon today (huge fire bearing down on the town). Lots of other scattered fires. We're expecting rain in the next few days - hopefully those that really need will get some too
And it's only three (1500)
Mid-South. 93-degF, Hum: 62%

"Spring has sprung and fall has fell."
"Summer is here, and its as hot..."
" it was last summer."

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