The Weather Where You Live? (2 Viewers)

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I'm second in that. The entire white stuff is melting. :(
Past couple days we've had freezing fog...visibility sometimes less than 100 feet...temps averaging just above freezing.

It barely clears up in the late afternoon but then rolls in again as soon as the sun goes down.

Isn't this cold weather what we all think about while we're roasting during summer?
+4C at the moment. It's quite warm.Snow is melting all around. Not too much of clouds just some of fog.
Its 33F outside, and snowing. People are already freaking out about being trapped at home or not able to get was almost 60 yesterday, people...the ground isn't cold enough for roads to ice over yet, and the bridges have more sand than my dad's golf bag.
Way to warm today.

We had 7 C and rain. Almost all of the snow is gone. We have some pretty bad flooding though. It rained 20l on Friday and quite a bit on Saturday. That combined with the melting of over 40 cm of snow. All the rivers are overflowing and the fields are flooded.

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