The Weather Where You Live?

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About 12 inches being added to the 17 already on the ground. It's absolutely ridiculous the snow. I LOVE winter but even i'm getting annoyed.
Cold/snow/ice I don't mind in the least. Its the 60F-to-15F climate shifts (we're not still concerned with global warming, are we? Okeedokee.) that drive me nuts, combined with the idiot drivers who panic at the first sign of rain and insist on doing 15mph on the interstate that's been well-sanded and is practically dry from the tire friction of all the other cars that have driven on it previously. If you don't know how to drive on snow/ice, stay the eff home.
Rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain....we got it all.


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Above freezing daytime temps for the next few days, then more snow!! My neighborhood Jack Rabbit likes to play on the snow drifts during the night and the tracks tell the story. It hops to the top, then goes down a steep overhang slope as slow as it can, then scrambles back up again. It continues on top for a few feet, and then jumps off to land in the deep soft snow:D. The tracks continue to follow the drift into the next yard and into the distance.
They made this storm sound like a future appocolypse , it was highly overrated IMHO
While you guys are suffering with the sleet and snow in the north-east, Va. Beach hit a
high of 72F today. All my neighbors had their windows wide open to take advantage of
the good weather to blow out the house. I saw lots of T-shirts and shorts, today. It's
suppose to dip into the 40's tomorrow. Global warming at it's best !


About 12 inches being added to the 17 already on the ground. It's absolutely ridiculous the snow. I LOVE winter but even i'm getting annoyed.

Sounds like over here in Germany. We have had some of the most snow in a very long time this year. Several feet on and off since December.

Right now the temp is -3 C and heavy snow.

Supposed to warm up to 11 C this weekend however and all the snow will melt away.
6F, sunny, and very calm. That's 20 degrees colder than yesterday, but the 30mph winds yesterday made it feel colder, at least at first. After being out there 15 of 20 minutes the cold really starts to seep through all the layers of clothes.
Were suppose to get a big storm coming from the great lakes Saturday and another one next Thursday...with 2+ months to go. :rolleyes:
Got another 2-3 inches last night, and its coming down again. With all the sub-freezing weather we've had since Monday, that's making the roads REALLY fun to drive on. 'Course, tomorrow its supposed to be 47F.

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