The Weather Where You Live? (3 Viewers)

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Wow yesterday,today and tomorrow(67 degrees) have/are going to be beautiful days. Colorado for you, I have yet to shovel snow. I know the spring is coming but going from 2 degrees a couple weeks ago to this. Unbelievable.
Freezing rain been going on all day, coats everything with a solid sheet. Thank goodness that it has been light enough to not build up the thickness to snap power lines. Only .20 of an inch, still enough to make everything damned slick!
Aha you poor northerners, as I look out the window at 66F(19C) sunny day with a nice breeze from the south. Sunday will be close to 75F(24C) and sunny with rain coming in the evening.
You don't have to be from the north to see freezing temps. At 1250 in Va. Beach, Va. it's 34F. Last night's low was 29F. Today it's sunny, so some of the snow will melt.


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