The Weather Where You Live? (1 Viewer)

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-15F on the thermometer this morning! With the windchill factor it is supposed to feel like -25 to -35F, and in northern Minnesota they say it is -50F with the windchill factored in.
Not supposed to get out of negative temp. all day today. Tomorrow, a regular heat wave, expecting +15F or so (yes that's a plus sign, woohoo)!!!
Another miserably cold day. Around 5C and cloudy, dank as well. Can't decide whether it is going to rain or snow...

Smilar to the weather here. It was a cold, cloudy and dark day of the grey tonality. It was sprinkiling a little bit this morning.
Cold here too, but only down to 25F. The snow predicted for this afternoon went
north of us [Maryland, DC, Penna] which didn't break my heart.

I hear the north west is really catching it....

Cold and raining in Va. Beach. It's 35f and breezy. From WashDC northward they are
getting slammed. NYC has 18 inches, and it gets worse as you go north. Guess NJ
really got slammed. How about it njaco and TO ?

What a winter! I know many of you are having an equally trying one as well. We just had three days of strong winds and temps just above freezing, which cleared away most of the snow and reduced the drifts by more than half. I was going to go to the car wash yesterday and see what color my vehicle really is, when I decided to check the weather channel beforehand. The forecast was for snow last night [there was about 5cm when I got up this morning and today there was a major snowfall warning. It is coming down hard right at this moment. Every time we've had a fair amount of snow this winter, it has been followed by a day of strong winds which renew the drifts. Blah! Well, at least the longer daylight periods are beginning to be noticeable.

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