The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Nope, not a Taylorcraft or a Piper. Incidentally the L-5 was a Stinson design which it also isn't
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time for a clue I guess, a US designed tandem two seater with a Continental O-65 turning the prop
Not an Aeronca

OK, time for a little mercy, May I present the L-6, AKA the Interstate Cadet

somebody else jump in please
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Well dang...that was a good one!

I was really sure I had it with the Taylorcraft guess, though...there's a striking resemblance between both those aircraft, especially the lower fuselage and landing gear.

Shoulda kept us guessing!

Ok, I'll toss one in there:
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Ok, a few clues...

It is piston-powered with a prop

It is WWII era (this means it's original design and subsequent versions did see service during and after the war)

It is a monoplane

It is a tail-dragger

*Bonus Clue*
It is American and this particular variant had a low production run
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