The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Martin Mars ?
And we have a winner!

You're right, Aaron, it's a U.S. Navy JRM Mars...the Mars Hawaii, to be exact.

Here's a full view:

By the way, this was the image I was going to use originally:
The prop is what had me. I knew it had four blades so I kept hunting until I found it. Dave, if you'd have posted that shot you were going to post originally I'd have never even tried. I don't know planes that well.:lol: Alright let's try this. This may or may not give some fits.:)


  • IMG_5698 resized 25.jpg
    IMG_5698 resized 25.jpg
    119.2 KB · Views: 56
lol Norab, I saw that a little while later and you certainly would have had it if I didn't...

I feel bad for Grampa, because he was so dang close...yes Norab, it is a Lockheed T-33!

Well done, and good eye to you both! :thumbleft:


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