The What is it? Game

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It is the Coditz 'C*ck'. I took this during our recent trip around the airfields and is in the East Anglia Aviation Heritage Centre at Flixton


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another museum which has been on my 'Must Visit' list for some time

More pics to follow on the Tailwheel Tour thread :). Well worth a visit but plan for a whole day to take it all in !!!

Try this one chaps...


  • what9.jpg
    101.6 KB · Views: 64
Its not a Hurricane.

Hmmm.... lets see.... monoplane, taildragger, normal crew of two and a radial up front :)
Almost certainly a 'Lizzie' - that curving frame is the end support for the sliding rear canopy, and the attachments fro the interior frames can be seen. If it's not a Lysander, then I'll go crazy trying to remember where else I've seen that curved frame !
Right you lot....need to join me at Aaron's....he's on the floor !. :lol:

Well done matey !!


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