The What is it? Game

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She's in a building behind the hangars at Duxford...I think between the first and second ones.
Ok, it's the only thing that came to mind when you said it had a single radial and a crew of two. Ok let's see if I can stump you guys with this.


  • 08 25 12_1213resized 25.jpg
    08 25 12_1213resized 25.jpg
    64.7 KB · Views: 76
I'm thinking YB-36 / 50. ?. To me, it looks like a large plane, but having said that, I don't recall seeing any pics of the big Boeings with wing tanks
Do you know what....if I lift my monitor up and look underneath the piccie you've just posted....I reckon you might just have it !
OK, this one might be a little bit of a challenge ;)


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