The What is it? Game

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nope, no little green men, and not a boomerang, in a roundabout way it's a monoplane
not quite right, but certainly in the neighborhood, especially if the neighborhood was Iowa
It is a circular winged monoplane that currently resides in an Iowa musum (in pieces ), hard to get a better clue than that unless you fine gentlemen are crying Uncle
I was going to jokingly suggest the Leonardo DaVinci replica, but I doubt it's that. I've got an idea I know what it is, but blowed if I can remember what it's called, or where I've seen it !
Ok, I'll be kind. It is a Van Dellen L H2, produced in 1959

guess that makes me the winner, so here is the next challenge

Initial thought was Republic Seebee, quickly binned that one then thought I'd got it with the Edgley Optica (used to built 10 miles from my house !), but I'm now thinking its a chopper of some sort like a MBB105
I think I know what plane it is, I dont know the name but i know it have the nickname flying lightbult because of it shape. am I close?

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