The What is it? Game

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She's been moved yet again !. She is now gathering dust....sorry....residing in the same hangar as the Hastings, so hopefully we may yet some work completed on her.

If no-one objects, I'll offer this one up. Its the full pccie, not a crop, so I will post a few other shots of the target when ID'd


  • what.jpg
    69.2 KB · Views: 112
Either that or an Aerocommander? Trying to compensate for the distortion of the reflection - the shape of the cockpit window frame is throwing me a bit.
It is a Super 18 !.

Crickey, that didn't take long at all !!!!


  • beech.jpg
    77 KB · Views: 108
Beaut pic of the Beech Gary. Always liked those, and the original tail dragger.
This tail wheel has me flumoxed a bit. The wheel itself looks German, so I was going to say Bucker, but that looks like a door above it. Have to think about this one!
Thanks. I'm a bit surprised to get a go with you lot around, so I hope this is acceptable;

Heck! Well, it's relatively modern, just going off the red 'tie down' stencil, although with all that 'bracketry' around, I can't figure where a tie down would go! Another one I'll have to think about! (Just got the Me163, but too late!)
Edit: Sussed it, I think. It is an Auster, but the AOP 9.
Yep, The Auster AOP 9 was the last in the line of Air Observation Post Austers, operated by the (British) Army Air Corps, and was a 'spotter' and light communications aircraft.
It derived from the earlier AOP6, which in turn was a militarised version of earlier aircraft, built by British Taylorcraft Auster, under licence from Taylorcraft of the USA. Beagle Aircraft carried on civilian production, with 'Austers' being known as Beagle Terriers, and the civilian version of the AOP 9 becoming the Husky.
Airframes got it! It is indeed the Auster AOP 9, unlucky geedee, so close!

Here's the full piccie, from Waddington last week.

I remember one of these scaring the cr*p out of bystanders when it started up. They used a Coffman starter, which makes quite a bang in such a lightweight airframe.
Back in a bit with something suitable.

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