The What is it? Game

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As I am at work at the mo I don't have access to any of my aircraft pics so if someone else wants a go feel free, if not I'll post one tonight when I get home
Sure would! I kept looking at the tyre and the oleo arrangement, thinking "I've seen that style somewhere recently". And the bl**dy magazine with the article was only three feet away from my desk!!!

Isn't that the way it always is Terry. You never find something until you don't need it anymore. I think that's Murphy's second law, right between "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong" and "Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool" :lol:
Here you go folks
Let's hope this works - I've been having trouble getting things to work on the forum today!
Ah, it seems to have uploaded. Should be a fairly easy one I reckon.


  • Czech218A.jpg
    3.6 KB · Views: 94
Without it, it could have been anything! But, the small amount of paint colour outside the roundel, and your location, was a bit of a clue!
I'll be back shortly with something.
Not a Hampden - I only know of some ssections of one of those left in existance. Not a Lanc wheel Maria, but I can see how you thought so.
Lewis is close enough. Its a Spanish, CASA-built Heinkel III (2-1111?).
Here's two pics, as the original is just a small area.


  • Czech 152.jpg
    Czech 152.jpg
    93.1 KB · Views: 100
  • Czech 150.jpg
    Czech 150.jpg
    116 KB · Views: 105
I thought it might have been the one from Duxford . It looks like they've made some good progress on it scince I last saw it sitting outside in quite a sorry state.
Unfortunately I lost all my aircraft pics in a power surge that fried my HD. so I will have to let someone else have a go.
Hopefully it won't be quite the monsoon conditions we had last year at Culdrose air day so I will be able to get some more then.

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