The What is it? Game

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'Just missed the last Big One' has got me thinking (and that's hard work!). Can't think what it is, but I'll probably kick myself when it's revealed.
If it's not English, then I only know of one Scottish aircraft company, one Northern Irish company, but no Welsh companies (as mainstream producers)!
So, given it's not British, as an outside guess, working on the info provided, I'll have a shot at Twin Mustang (darn, missed!).
Its not a 25 or a Twin Mustang...good guess though.

Its not British
Its Post War but not by very much
Its not a jet
It was used as a spyplane...but that was not its main role
The pic shows an engine cowling in the open position

And it has a 4 cyclinder engine :shock:
DHC Chipmunk? Primary trainer, but RAF Gatow station flight used one right up to the end of the 'Cold War' for 'spying' on East Berlin and the immediate border area.
Terry, you gotta stop thinking so hard, cos when you do, you get the correct answer :)..well done mate

Its the venerable DH Chipmunk. Took this one at Oshkosh back in 2004

Now whats all this about being a spy plane ?....checky here... de Havilland Chipmunk


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It suddenly came to me that I recognized that intake scoop, having banged my head more than once on the cowling when doing checks on the 'Chippie' I used to get to fly in, or fly, now and then!
Then I remembered the Berlin 'Chippies', and their 'spy' flights.
Anyway, try this one. Sorry about the grainy shot, it's an enlarged crop from a bigger picture.


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Absolutely !

First thought was a Hawker Hunter, but soon ruled that out, then I thought Mossie, but not sure about the panels...heck I dont even know what calibre the gun chutes are but they look 'big' bore... only other one I can think of is the Beaufighter ?
It is indeed a Beaufighter. This one, a 'Green Ghost', under restoration, eventually to flying condition I believe, at Duxford - and you've walked past it umpteen times Gary!


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It is indeed a Beaufighter. This one, a 'Green Ghost', under restoration, eventually to flying condition I believe, at Duxford - and you've walked past it umpteen times Gary!

I have indeed walked past that one hundreds of times but I didn't recognise her due to the little yellow handle thingy !!. Nice one mate.

Here's another offering from my archives for you to ponder


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Rather like the intake (covered) on a Wessex, but it isn't. Looks familiar, and I'm thinking it's the Rs end of something I've seen, but can't remember what!
It's not a Wessex, rekalection or a Globemaster.

This is going to be difficult to give some clues without letting the cat out of the bag...Ummmm....Errrrr.....Ok, try this...its landing technique and ability was changed after a while and its not modern

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