The What is it? Game

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I couldn't believe it when you suggested the Ryan, when I was deciding what to post I was choosing between a photo of that and the Magister!
Waynos, that photo you posted looked just like the Ryan. I looked at it and had it right away. I ran to my stash to compare it to the MPM kit box art and it matched perfectly. I was positive, so I made the post. WRONG!! I never realized the Ryan and Magister cockpits were so much alike. You learn something new every day around here!
I must admit, I had a slight doubt, but the head rest and the cockpit flap made me go for the Magister. BTW, 'Hawk Trainer' was the civilian version, and one of the very first aircraft I ever sat in, back in the late fifties.
Try this one - shouldn't take long !


  • Czech 141A.jpg
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I'm thinking its that Arado jet powered bomber, but cant for the life of me remember the type, so I know.... I'm wrong.
Real quick question. Am I allowed to play since I don't have any pics?
Sure Dennis, if you guess correctly you can pass it along to someone else.

I'm the same with the jet, can't remember the number, but the colours don't fit. I'm going for Bf108 Taifun.
Not a 108 Terry, and the jet Gary is thinking of id the Arado AR 234 Blitz, but that's not it either.
That bit of 'window' aluminum angled down reminds me of the rear gun postion on the Marauder....but as its German, I'll offer up more panels of glass in that thing than the Houses of Parliament !

Edited...ignore this post....its not a 88....I'm off for the night !

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