The What is it? Game (1 Viewer)

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Struggling to find something worthy at the moment. Have a go at this one....

I like your thinking but sorry, not a Beau.

Don't think Beaufighters carried racehorses much anyway, even after conversion :)
Good one Gary. It was surrounded by scaffold staging, being worked on, when we where there in March. Shame, as it's the first time I had seen one, since being onboard a BEA Vanguard at Turnhouse, around 1966 !

OK, try this one.

WIG 80.jpg
Was thinking this sits under the clockwork on some DC3's, but the perspective / angle is wrong. Then figured it was the front intake for a Fiat '55, but that ain't English.
So, my guess is its a trainer of some sort...don't know why, it just looks like its from a friend of a Chippie., looks too 'agricultural and not sleek and the sort of thing you'd find attached to a fighter.
Provost ?

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