The What is it? Game

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Not a VC10 or 'Flaming Pencil....never heard of that name before although I recognise the airframe !

It is a jet, more than one engine and more that one seat
Not a 125 or 'Brick...good tries tho
Once you mastered this bad boy, you could play with one that had guns fitted. It was re-engined during its life.
I'm going round in circles here - was thinking F-104 or F-5, but doesn't seem right for either. It does look familiar, but I can't place it .................
Hi Gary.

I've been trying to figure out the shape by the reflections - unsuccessfully.
To my eyes the exhaust is buried deep in the trailing edge close to the fuselage and the main undercart seems to be waaaaay out near the wingtip?
Dunno what the tail is doing...

Hey Graeme, Dude, you're doing some serious effort into this one mate ! . Quite a wide track undercart but single wheel only. A couple of 4 seat versions were built but didn't go into production.
Capt V, Not a Canuck...considerably smaller
This one sports a non standard paintjob.
V interesting tail.
And the correct answer is.....
My apologies chaps, giving you b*m info when I said it was a low wing. I was looking at the cropped image and took the fillets you can just see as the wing not the engine fairing ! Doh ....yup, I knoww, I'm sacked !
I'll stop playing for a while and go hide in shame
Yup, well done sir.
Took these at my first visit to Oshkosh way back in 2004.

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