The What is it? Game

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Looks 'Teutonic' to me...for no apparant reason !. I'll throw in exhaust shroud for a Me110 night fighter (wouldn't need shrouds for a day jobbie)
Still reckon its a Luftwaffe jobbie so I'll try a JU52...think I can see a hint of corrugation
It looks familiar, although I might be on the wrong track. I'm thinking a twin, or multi turbo-prop job, probably a military version, in a museum, so more likely American. Something like the turbo version of the Convair Coronado, can't remember the military designation !
What was tha twin seat tandem high aspect ratio doobrie used by the US during the Vietnam'era'...Quiet Star ?....based on a motorised glider and had an exhaust pipe shrouded that ran the full length of the fuselage

Yup, probably wrong but I'll go with a Lockheed YO3 Quiet Star

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