The What is it? Game

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Winner !!!!!

Yup. its the Fairy Albacore, designed as a replacement for the Swordfish and collared with the knickname 'Applecore' !

This one is at the Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton


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It could do with a bit of a spring clean inside !
I'll get something posted soon as I can - need to go through what I have on file, as I'm running out of my own digital images.
Nice find Grampa.
Didn't think it would take long! Yes, it's the C47 hanging from the roof of the American Air Forces museum at Duxford.
Take it away Glenn.


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I'll go down a bit in size, but I think it's older - Pilatus turbo Porter ? I recognise those windows, but I'm stabbing here !
You've got it Buff! It's a C-123 Provider. It's piston engined powered with jet assist Terry, Not turbo


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Sorry Glenn, the turbo Porter, single-engined, was my first choice, but the Priovider was the one I wanted, but couldn't think of the name or number at the time ! So much easier with named aircraft, rather than a choice of hundreds of bl**dy numbers !

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