This is seriously p*ssed-off me.

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1st Lieutenant
Jan 1, 2012
north carolina
I just found out that my sweet little 5 year-old granddaughter was molested two days ago.
There is no question of the charges, the INDIVDUAL (and that is the only term I can use here) is in jail now.
He violated her with fingers and mouth. And apparently jacked off.
There is no question at all, she had tearing, and DNA from her clothing is going to serve as his down fall.
This is a very small town, we have connections with the Sheriffs department and the C.P.S., they tell us things. (off the record, of course.)
My son and the mother are separated, she left the children at her mother's house where a friend of her father took our granddaughter into the basement.
Why he was allowed to disappear with her for the amount of time that this would have taken, put DNA on her, don't make me elaborate...
Do not tell me not to take revenge.
The family wanted me to talk to our son until they realized that I would only help him to plan a fool-proof way.
Then they decided to let his sister tell him.
That S.O.B. better hope that he gets a long sentence.
My blood pressure is very interesting right now...
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Paul, I'm lost for words mate, scumbags like this are a plague on society and need to be locked up forever. My most sincere thought are with you and your family and without a doubt your granddaughter. My heart is saddened.
I'm speechless mate and very saddened, my thoughts are with you, the little one and the rest of the family...
I can only hope, that he gets a very long jailtime and that he'll be taken care of by the other interns, while inside....
This happened a couple of weeks ago, to an old classmate of mine, a man tried to get the girl into his car with the help of money....
Tell you what I told him, I'll grab a baseball bat and a they say, no body - no crime!
This bad, very bad. I dare not say anything because if i do, I will explode. and its not even my grandaughter.

Man, my only advice is go VERY carefully with grandaughteer. no telling what this creep has done psychologically, let alone physically
F*cking Explode.....I just went into Orbit...Jesus Paul, real sad to hear this thoughts are with you and your family mate...take if you haven't had enough to deal with of late....
Christ almighty, this sickens me. Honestly, I don't know what to say. I'm terribly saddened to hear this, but I know no amount of words can lessen the pain. My greatest sympathies to your family and your granddaughter; I feel nothing but cold rage at this man and his utter depravity.
I completely understand what you are going through. My daughter was molested when she was 9 by her step dad. My daughter went to therapy for a little while, but just got tired of talking about it and she is fine now. As with almost everything, kids are very resilient. I know it's very fresh with you and the anger you feel is unmatched. I know, I've been there. I had the cops working the case requesting overtime from their supervisor just so they could be the ones to arrest him, which they were granted. I also had buddies with the Dallas Sheriff Department asking me if I wanted to turn them loose on the guy, who is now serving 28 years.

All I can say is to put your anger aside for the sake of your family. The piece of s**t is NOT worth it.
I can only echo what's been written by all above Paul. If it had happened to one of my daughters, I'd probably be in prison now for either murder or very serious bodily harm, and can only imagine how you feel.
The main thing is the little girl - I pray that emotionally and mentally she'll recover quickly. The other sh*t heap, low life, waste of rations will get his, one way or the other, from someone 'inside'.
I wish your granddaughter and your family heartfelt sympathies through this, wishing the least traumatic times for them yourself through this. I echo similar sentiments of holding back fro her sake - the scum's now inside, it was hopefully was only the once, in which case the adult can feel proud in getting this turd quickly scooped up before he did worse to again /or others.

I feel furious for you all in your stead, Fethinghell, I'm glad I weren't this guys neigbour, or I'd done some more impetuous than you thought of Paul.

..don't let this infect the famil(y/ies) love towards her as she grows up - she's young and will with luck, love and happiness forget some/most of it.
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Paul, right now think rationally - your family needs you. Let the legal system take it's course, when the dust settles you can decide what you need to do...

I had a similar situation happen in my extended family. Its amazing how a little "induced karma' works! Hang in there my friend!!!
What other people said.
Being a father of two daughters, I can't do anything but shudder.
I think it would be safer to let the guards out him, as any future alleged how-ever-ly emotionally just injuries he could receive might track back and cause unknown flashbacks, official scrutinisations (what with net spying and all) etc,

Silences first line IS the ONLY one to follow for her (and immediate families) best.

You wouldn't want some legal reasoning leading to him getting away somehow.
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