Senior Master Sergeant
Checking the book "Tiger 1 heavy tank 1942-1945" of Jentz-Doyle I found interesting data about the battle of KursK.
There was 148 Tigers I available on that time in the Eastern Front, 85 % ready to combat.
Facing it there was about 3400 russian tank ( including 270 Kv-1 and 35 Churchill Mk-III)
The sPz.Abt 503 had an excelent performance in the attack to the russian bulge. Betwenn 1 of July 1943 and 2 September 1943 the Heavy Tank Batallion claimed as destroyed 501 enemy tanks (mostly T-34 but also small cuantities of Valentine, Churchill, and KV-1s) 388 pak and Flak guns, 79 artillery pieces and 7 aircraft...
In turn this group suffer 18 Tiger knocked out wich only 7 became total losses.
There was 148 Tigers I available on that time in the Eastern Front, 85 % ready to combat.
Facing it there was about 3400 russian tank ( including 270 Kv-1 and 35 Churchill Mk-III)
The sPz.Abt 503 had an excelent performance in the attack to the russian bulge. Betwenn 1 of July 1943 and 2 September 1943 the Heavy Tank Batallion claimed as destroyed 501 enemy tanks (mostly T-34 but also small cuantities of Valentine, Churchill, and KV-1s) 388 pak and Flak guns, 79 artillery pieces and 7 aircraft...

In turn this group suffer 18 Tiger knocked out wich only 7 became total losses.