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My little brother got it for me, I'm looking at getting a revell, are they any good? (PS, he only had $9 so I thought it was nice he spent all of it for my bday)
I read the whole article, and I think I'll get it, I dont really aim to win a contest, but probably after the move. Now just to decide wether to get the P-40 E or C (they make both). Decisions decisions.
Yeah, but not sure if I want them in and on a stand or out and free-standing, which looks better generally?
Couple of comments:

1) I can´t wait for the pics showing the progress!.
2) I always advice: think about the model as a discrete number of sub assemblies: cockpit, landing gear, stabilizer, wings (plus fuselage) and have always your view in the sub assemblie you are workin in. Don´t jump (fror example) from landing gear to cockpit in the same session.

Good luck!
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While I havent picked a specific plane, I want to paint it like a PTO plane for sure. Still researching
That was what I was thinking, my top 3 contenders are: a Burma Banshee, (the one on my sig), a Flying tiger, or a 44th/68th P-40 that fought at Guadalcanal. what do you guys think?
To be honest if it's your first kit, just go with what the kit gives you until you get a feel for it... No sense in spending money on extra decals for first one. My first 5 builds were OOB before I bought extra decals. I think the REVELL P-40 comes with flying tiger decals but I buolt mine in RAF markings and it was long ago so I may be wrong

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