Today's rant....or not..

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Just been watching one of them UFO programs on H2....
The usual blah blah and blah....and now, thanks to the more open Russia and whatnot, some unique and never before shown footage from Kapustin Yar, some more blah blah blah and pointless blah....about UFO's intervene with Russia's rocket program....yadda yadda...

The only problem is with this's not Kapustin Yar, it's Peenemunde during WWII!!

I mean, honestly.....H2 (part of History Channel, right?) come on!!

I had to laugh!

Again, they've lost more of their credibility, not much left for them (History, H2, Discovery, National Geographic Channel) to lose now...

Still laughing btw....
There is darn little "history" on the History Channel, practically no "learning" on The Learning Channel, for that matter.
I still enjoy the "Ancient Aliens" drinking game though...
I liked Laverne Shirley, until they moved to California and l Los Angeles was it? Same with Happy Days, the early ones are the best...

Anyway, half of the programming on the Discovery, History Channel, National Geographic, must be those hopeless, useless, sad, reality shows, always think when they promote the new ones, who the f*ck come up with these dumb*ss lines, they're so stupid, they're so embarrassingly silly, that they make you put forks in your ears.... !

I mean, honestly, do the *rsewipes that run these channels, really think that people are that gullible?
I always wonder where they find all these experts. I'd be embarrassed to go on TV and tell everybody I saw Bigfoot.
here is a goodie for you Jan, managed to catch the last few minutes of a show on the History channel about the Swordfish raid on Taranto, when they happened to mention that 169 torpedoes were used at Pearl Harbour, yes I rewound it to hear it again...yep 169! a damn fine effort for 40 torpedo aircraft!

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