Yes, but that's not the Sandy Ridge tunnel. It's not far from the other end of the tunnel you are looking through if I'm not mistaken. If I had time I'd go tomorrow and do some more searching but I've got some other things that need doing soooooo.
Hey, got a chance to run out for a little while and get some shots today and a surprise came through town today. Let me know what you think. We don't get to many BNSF's through here.
Next time I go up to see him, I'll take my camera and get a few shots of it. He's does great work. If he ever got into model building, he would put out some great work.
Went back to Dante this afternoon and got some shots at the south end of the Sandy Ridge Tunnel. Used my 70-300mm lens and they came out decent. Got a couple in town itself of a couple of engines deadheading. Please enjoy.
Thanks guys. I'm still trying to find the north end of this tunnel. It's beginning to look like I'm going to have to walk the cleared line over the mountain to find it though. That's going to be a job. OK! I have found some info and I believe the tunnel that I shot from Trammel last weekend is the same. Clinchfield RR" mile marker 32, Trammel-location of the last spike ceremony. Mile marker 32.5-34 Sandy Ridge Tunnel." Info from the book BUILDING OF THE CLINCHFIELD. Took me a little while to find it.