Train Pics

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I was six miles to the NE of the Cadiz crossing.

It was so quiet here. Very quiet . No birds, no insects no cars. Just the trains.

Surprisingly, the only living creature to keep me company for awhile was a hummingbird. Thats right a hummingbird in the middle if a remote part of the desert.

Go figure.
At the other end of the scale is the attached small saddle trains that drove industry in the UK. This one was used in the Scunthorpe Steelworks which still has 100 miles of track within it for moving fuel metal and a thousand other things around the works. These days you can take a tour of the steelworks in the guards vans which are behind the engine.
The track is still used today as can be seen in the second picture. The truck is called a torpedo and carries molten metal from one part of the site to another. They are very careful with these because the load is both dangerous and heavy, each truck weighing 300 tons. The maximum that we saw being moved was five trucks. A number of times the torpedo went past us and from 10 feet away you could feel a lot of heat coming off the truck, as if you were close to an electric fire.


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