Train Pics

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Circa 1900. "L.R. & H.S.W. R.R. Depot, Hot Springs, Arkansas." A locomotive of the Little Rock & Hot Springs Western
Railroad. 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative, Detroit Photographic Company.

Source: Internet

January 16, 1960. It was about 1 o'clock on a cool, crisp, sunny Saturday afternoon at the Lake Bluff stop of the
Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee interurban railroad. The North Shore was one of America's very last operating
interurbans when I photographed a group of cadets from the nearby Great Lakes Naval Training Center climbing aboard
a southbound train for a weekend of fun and relaxation in downtown Chicago. The attentive motorman is keeping an eye
on the conductor for the two-bell start signal while at the same time observing what I was doing with my camera.
The once busy line was abandoned three years later, almost to the day. 35mm Kodachrome by William D. Volkmer.

Source: Internet

Despatch, New York, circa 1906. "Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co." The right-hand section of a larger panorama
of the New York Central rail hub now known as East Rochester. 8x10 inch glass negative.

Source: Internet

January 1943. "Production. Zinc. Cars for transporting zinc and lead ore. From the Eagle-Picher Mining & Smelting Co.
plant near Cardin, Oklahoma, come great quantities of zinc and lead to serve many important purposes in the war effort."
Photo by Fritz Henle for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

September 1942. The Kroger warehouse in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "Freight car movements. With transportation
assuming vast new importance in wartime America, movement of freight cars must be accomplished with the fullest
efficiency and speed. Loss and diversion of ocean carriers which served our seaboard cities have thrown an enormous
burden upon the railroads." 4x5 inch nitrate negative by Ann Rosener for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

May 1943. Chicago. "Special agent making his rounds at night at the South Water Street freight terminal of the
Illinois Central Railroad." Medium-format negative by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

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