Train Pics

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Circa 1901. "Railroad tracks and trestle at Boonton, New Jersey." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative,
Detroit Publishing Company.

Source: Internet

August 1939. "Centralia, Lewis County, Washington state. Railroad yard, looking down from highway bridge.
Disaster to the town: The one remaining lumber mill burned down a week before. Note smoke and wreckage."
Medium format negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration.

Source: Internet

Westchester County, New York, circa 1900. "Dobbs Ferry depot." 8x10 inch dry plate glass negative,
Detroit Publishing Company.

Source: Internet

November 1942. "Utah Copper -- Bingham Mine. Brakeman of an ore train at the open-pit mining operations of
Utah Copper Company at Bingham Canyon, Utah." Photo by Andreas Feininger for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

March 1943. "San Bernardino, California. Engines at the roundhouse." Nitrate negative by Jack Delano for the
Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

October 1, 1929. The new crack train from Washington to Boston was inspected today by members of the
Massachusetts State Society. Harry Carr of the Pennsylvania R.R. was host. Left to right: Wm. T. Simpson,
Treasurer; Frank E. Hicks, Vice Pres.; Mrs. Proctor L. Daugherty; Geo. R. Farnum, Pres. and Assistant Attorney General
of the United States; Geo. A. Hornan, Secretary; and Chas. A. Bauman.
Unlabeled Harris & Ewing glass plate.

Source: Internet

Scranton, Pennsylvania, circa 1900. "Group of Lackawanna freight engines. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R.R."
Detroit Publishing Co.

Source: Internet

1863. "Hanover Junction, Pennsylvania. Passenger train at depot." From photographs of the main Eastern theater of war,
Gettysburg, June-July 1863. Wet plate glass negative by Mathew Brady or his assistant.

Source: Internet

February 1943. "Women in essential services. Women railroad workers take over the care and maintenance of freight
and passenger trains in the Southern Pacific Company yards at San Francisco, California." Medium-format negative by
Ann Rosener for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

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