Train Pics

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And one more ... File:Detroit Publishing - Lackawanna photo car.jpg - Wikimedia Commons



December 1942. "Locomotives in the roundhouse at a Chicago and North Western Railroad yard."
Kodachrome transparency by Jack Delano.

Source: Internet

April 1943. "Trucks unloading at the inbound freight house of the Illinois Central Railroad, South Water Street freight
terminal, Chicago." 4x5 Kodachrome transparency by Jack Delano.

Source: Internet

December 1942. Chicago. "Locomotives lined up for coal, sand and water at the coaling station in the 40th Street yard
of the Chicago & North Western R.R." Kodachrome transparency by Jack Delano.

Source: Internet

March 1943. "Santa Fe R.R. yard at night, Kansas City, Kansas." Note the light trails made by the yard workers' torches in
this time exposure, as well as a phantom number (3167, at right) on a train that paused in front of the camera.
4x5 inch Kodachrome transparency by Jack Delano.

Source: Internet

April 1943. "Illinois Central R.R. freight cars in South Water Street terminal, Chicago."
Judging by the clock, this was a five-minute time exposure. Kodachrome transparency by
Jack Delano for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

November 1942. "Loading copper ore at the open-pit mining operations of Utah Copper Company at Bingham Canyon."
Medium format nitrate negative by Andreas Feininger for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

December 1942. "Locomotives in the Chicago and North Western departure yard about to leave for Clinton, Iowa."
Medium-format negative by Jack Delano for the Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

March 1943. "Freight operations on the Chicago & North Western between Chicago and Clinton, Iowa.
The train going through Clinton to the yard two miles beyond." Photo by Jack Delano, Office of War Information.

Source: Internet

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