Trump Prinz Eugen 1/350

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Thks Guys :thumbright: I have the main deck lock and loaded and sprayed with a water based satin clear by Miniwax(it's good stuff for indoors) the instructions suggest a water base and you know I do some wood work.I sprayed the dark gray on the hull above the water line and will have some pics tomorrow after some sub-assemblies are completed.These new decks take a big chore out of building these ship models for me;I took a couple of pics Jazzed ;)
Prinz Eugen 002.JPG

Prinz Eugen 003.JPG
The ship covers looks very nice Kevin.
I like how it is taking shape and I can see that you are doing a serious job; I will really enjoy following you in the process.

Saludos :thumbup:
Thks Luis and Andy I will have some more pics tomorrow.I started thinking about the colors again of what I am using and the grey is off a shade darker better than the light grey and more reasonable I guess for 1945.The swastikas are in place drying overnight this ship had some Nice Lines!!
Thks Hugh ;) This about 3hrs of work while the PE is glued in not all pieces are glued together.What you see here is part of the forward superstructure before the funnel.

Prinz Eugen 002.JPG

I have to say while the White Ensign PE have been really nice in fit,design and cut but I have worked with better ladders they a PIA for the steps to fold.
Prinz Eugen 004.JPG

Now the dreaded Swastika are in place.The white railings to deck makes the SS sit firmly place NESW for even though the deck is only .0075" thick it does affect the fit just a tad better safe than sorry.Oh Yeah no red banner 1945.
Prinz Eugen 001.JPG
looks very nice indeed.
Thks Mike it's water base wash cleaned alot off to make more subtle effect.I started washing the very bottom of the whole fore/aft SS added some black instead of looking just like rust the ship was not that bad of shape in 45/46 I wouldn't think?To bad she went to the bottom of an atoll :(

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