Trumpeter MIG-3 in 1/32 scale

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 16, 2009
Milan, Italy
I was intrigued by Russian WW2 aeroplanes so when I found a good offer on e-bay I bought the 1/32 Trumpeter kit.
Also I find quite nice the idea of a WHITE bird, so I will try to replicate this one:

Mig3-001 color.jpg

Did not too much so far as I spent a number of ours to make the two additional ribs to be placed behind pilot seat.


As I mentioned in a different thread, those ribs have been made using a Silhouette cutting plotter.

By the way, the main reason to start this thread is that I would appreciate some help in understanding how to obtain the correct cockpit colour.

According to info I found on the web
MiG-3 family

colours shown in the following pictures of a restored aeroplane are almost correct.

dettagli cockpit 3.jpg

in the sense that blue-green plate colour is correct while tubular structures should be metal.grey,

My question is on that blue-green, how to get it?
I tried mixing H63 (metallic blue-green) with X-13 (metallic blue) but the hue I obtained is too dark, how could i get a lighter colour, add some silver or some white?
Any suggestion will be very much appreciated.
To be honest Russians don't know themself what the proper colour should be. One source says it was of steel colour another one - a light grey while the next one recommending a light blue-grey. Also found that it was black. Just "wolna amerykanka" in Polish...

I think you may use the Gunze H307 or 308. But if you are very stubborn you can use the Gunze C115 RLM65 Light Blue with silver ( steel ) drybrushing on metal parts.

If you want , please have a look at pictures here ... Modelarstwo z pasj? ? Zobacz w?tek - Mig-3 1/32 Trumpeter
Many thanks for your answer and for the link too.
The study I found on the web is based on this book
Soviet Air Force Fighter Colours.jpg

that's apparently the best one available on Russian WW2 fighters, but due to uncertainty of the matter I think that I will be wrong only if I will paint the tub in red or yellow ...
So I will do some experiments and choose the one that I will like most myself.

But a note though.. Although I don't believe the origin pic was taken as the colour image but if you look at the cockpit of the first MiG you can noticed that it was of dark colour rather. If it would be of the light blue colour, the area of the port side was of light tone but not dark.
I decided to take the risk and I went for a blue colour that I got by mixing blue, white and some H-63 metallic blue-green, this is the output:


Presently working on cockpit floor colour that apparently could be same as above but more to the green side.
Will show something soon.
Too bluish, probably yes; I need to see the effect of weathering, it should tune the colour down, then I will see.
As discussed above the correct colours for internals of Russian birds is still a question mark. I also painted the cockpit floor, may be is totally wrong but I like it ... pictures possibly this afternoon.
I also painted the cockpit floor, may be is totally wrong but I like it ... pictures possibly this afternoon.
No pictures, because I eventually decided to wash it and repaint according to this pictures:

dettagli cockpit 4.jpg
dettagli cockpit 5.jpg

Above photos are referred to the bird restored by Rusavia, so I don't know if they are 100% reliable, but I like the combination of blue and green, so I will go this way.
The bird I'm referring to is the one shown in the following link, and it's said that it was restored to attend MAKS 2005
rusavia 3-MAKS 2005
By the way it's a very good reference material.

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