Unknown aircraft

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"...in Cars!"
Ok...finally am getting back to this after a few delays

The aircraft certainly looks like a Rohrbach Roland series, but there is a few odd things about it that stand out.

First, the photo:
We can see that the quality of the photo isn't all the great and it's not completely flat as presented.

Now to tidy it up a bit so we can see the tail structure and the cowling and tail a little better:

The Rohrbach Roland series had a "squared" tail design. So in this photo, even slightly warped, the vertical stabilizer should be at a right angle to the fuselage. I examined the photo closely and used the trees in the background and the staircase ballisters as a guide. The leading edge of the vertical stabilizer is actually inclined at a diagonal from it's base at the fuselage.

A better view here:

Also, the cowling of the aircraft is not radiused (with exposed exhaust stacks) between the prop and the windsheild like several of the Rohrbach types had, where an enclosed cockpit was part of the design. A few of the Rohrbachs that had the extended exhaust fitted, but an open cockpit. That is not the case here:

I am not saying that this is some other type. I certainly feel that this is in fact a Rohrbach, however, I am saying that it has some unusual design differences that don't seem to be very common.
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"...in Cars!"

I preferred Are Friends Electric, myself, mind you, those two are the only Gary Numan songs I know!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0WNbm1jz6A

The aircraft certainly looks like a Rohrbach Roland series, but there is a few odd things about it that stand out.

You are probably right Dave, a few modifications, but it has to be remembered that the aircraft at the museum was a museum piece and quite possibly, or did actually undergo some modification at some time before it was retired or even when it went to the museum. What is really needed is a clear image of its tail feathers.
Agreed, however, it seems that photos of the displays are really hard to find. I am certain that a good number of folks took photos during their visit that could provide some better details, but sadly, I'm sure many of those were lost during Berlin's fall.

And you know, when I see "Nuuumann", I hear Jerry Seinfeld's voice

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98dai6CC5BA

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