Unusual Aircraft

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Hi Fubar57 and Shortround,

Fubar's choice like the dropped a biplane onto a Grumman Goose and cut off the biplane's tail!

You and Shortround have surpassed yourselves in finding singularly strange planes! I wouldn't get into any of them. But SOMEONE thought they might sell or they wouldn't have made them. Wonder what they were smoking? or drinking?

Damn, Shortround! Those are some ugly palnes!

Maybe the designers were just having a bad year. Whatever it was, it was more than just a temporary sinking spell ...Loening actually put their NAME on one and the U.S. Navy BOUGHT one! That must have been some incredible salesman.

And I used to think a Fairey Barracuda was ugly! How wrong can I be? Perhaps the thinking was that when the enemy SAW it, they would roll over laughing so hard that it wouldn't get shot down since they'd need it for their local "Ripley's Belive It Or Not Museum."
Ain't no accounting for taste but, hey, there's guys married to ugly girls.

MUST be a reason, and it's probably prohibited in here, so I'll just say all of the planes above resemble the south end of a north-bound donkey, and likely fly about the same. We DO see the Loening at least with the engine running.
actually they built 36 of this model

and they were used as air ferries in quite a few cities around the US in the late 20s/early 30s. One later managed to fly from the US to Norway (with several stops) where it is preserved in a museum.
This is what I love about this forum. So many new revelations to discover.

However, one look and I understand why I have never seen/heard of these aircraft!
Yeah, Caproni had big plans for the concept. This is credited as a Caproni design - but it does have a Leduc look to it..

The Pilatus SB-2 doesn't look all that bad. It is recognizable as an airplane at least. I was actually looking for strange military planes, but this is interesting. You never know where it will go.

Don't know what it is, but this one looks interesting:


Also not too sure I'd want to fly on this one:


Loss of power from any height above 10 feet might prove catastrophic ... and it COULD get you cut into salami slices even at 10 feet!

This isn't an airplane, but is a picture of pre-radar aircraft detection gear!


Sort of a big stethescope aimed at the sky.

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