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And BTW, at 14, how the hell can ur live be so troubleing... Wait till you get all grown up and have to make a living and support a family and pay taxes and listen to ur nagging wife bitch at u that u dont do enough around the house...

Then ull know what troubleing is my buddy....
I've just changed my wallpaper to match with my brand new computer. Here it is :


  • wc_prophecy_wallpaper_800.jpg
    91.6 KB · Views: 804
Wait till you get all grown up and have to make a living and support a family and pay taxes and listen to ur nagging wife bitch at u that u dont do enough around the house...

Les im quite offended by that. Im deeply looking forward to getting married and supporting a family. Im also offended that you think ill be a lazy git, is this youre idea of stereotyping a bloke? Well we aint all like that mate...
Especially CC he isn't like anyone. :lol:

I would say that wallpaper is sweet, CC, but it's not.
Offended??? Are u freakin kidding me???

I was just letting u know that the way u percieve life at 14 (Troubleing) is nothing till the responsibilites of maturity come creeping up on u...

I dont recall saying u were lazy, although most 14 year olds are... (Thats a stereotype)

But then again, being an American 14 is surely different than being a 14 year old Brit living in the country....

There wasnt an offensive stich in what I said.... If I wanna offend u, ull know it...
lesofprimus said:
Offended??? Are u freakin kidding me???

I was just letting u know that the way u percieve life at 14 (Troubleing) is nothing till the responsibilites of maturity come creeping up on u...

Les is right, just wait until your first income taxes report, you'll get mad. :lol:
Especially if it's 27% that's right, base rate tax.

The person who wrote that statement, CC, should be shot. Simple.
Hey, I play pool often when drinking!!! But I do basketball too so I'm safe.
the lancaster kicks ass said:
go on then CC, if you're not lazy, apart from snooker/pool what sport or active pastime do you do on a regular basis??

I do banger racing, some basic mechanical work, I ride my bike quite a bit. I do Help at home as much as possible, tidying up etc, And i hoover up oil spillages ;)
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