1st Lieutenant
I was up at an air museum in Addison this past weekend (I'll get pics up, I promise!), admiring the planes, checking out the new A-26 addition to the family, talking to vets, and talking to volunteer staff. One of the staff suggested I sign up as a volunteer, which I would love to do, I just don't think I'll have the time with a new kiddo and current volunteering at the church. But that's another thread..."How to Spread Yourself Too Thin".
Anyway...this same guy mentioned getting to meet alot of vets from different branches/different wars, and that he had an autograph book, that he liked to get signatures from the vets. Here's my delimma: on the one hand, it would be awesomely cool to have a sorta yearbook-style notebook to carry around and get vets to autograph, with name/branch/etc....on the other hand, would that be considered uncool or or somehow insulting? Has anyone else done anything like this, with a book dedicated to their siggys, vs. the signature of opportunity, where you happened to have a pic of the type of plane they flew (etc) and had them sign it?