vickers Varsity 1/72nd vac form by airmodel

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Hi, I was just wondering how your build was coming along as I have just found this on the internet, I have lots of info and photos from the one at Brooklands museum, plus I have just completed my Aeroclub kit of the Varsity
nice job,i hope mine comes out half as good as yours,i've had to stop modeling for a while as i've too many jobs at home to do on the house although i have been doing odd bits on my lancaster,how did you get on with the underbelly of your varsity as the moulding in my kit seems over sized
I did not have any problems with the underneath bomb bay, but it may be the fact that yours is the Amodel and not the
Aeroclub kit
that makes sense,when i get back onto this build i think i'm going to remove the underbelly and start again as i think its going to spoil the whole build

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